EDAP TMS Sonolith I-Move Lithotripter
The Sonolith® i-move is the new generation of modular lithotripter by EDAP TMS setting standards for the future of ESWL. EDAP TMS’ electroconductive technology is clinically proven superior over existing technologies with the highest stone free rate and the lowest retreatment rate on record.
- Treatment depth up to 180 mm adapted to patients’ morphology and a wide diameter generator providing more comfort and easier pain management.
- Patented Electroconductive (ECL) technology based on a precisely controlled electrical discharge in a highly conductive solution resulting in identical electrical discharges at all times.
- Variable treatment head position for smooth and universal adaptation to all types of cases.
- The first hand-held ultrasound localization probe for unprecedented freedom and accuracy in ultrasound localization in ESWL.
- Exclusive Automatic Pressure Regulator measures and adjusts the pressure at the focal point in real time.
- User-friendly interface with Touch-screen remote control and Dual simultaneous display on touch-screen interface with intuitive and sharp navigation

The MODULITH® SLX-F2-T is the result of over 20 years of experience in the design of lithotripters and of millions of cases of successful stone fragmentation. The SLX-F2-T is the core component of a fully integrated stone therapy system with a wide spectrum of general endourological and diagnostic features. The SLX-F2-T has the following features:
- Patented cylinder source providing unsurpassed fragmentation efficiency with low side effects and focal depth of 165 mm
- Dual Focus enabling the practitioner to adapt shock wave parameters to specific indications in an optimum manner and to develop unique treatment strategies
- Easy access to patients from three sides
- Innovative operator system to relieve users of many routine tasks and enable them to concentrate on the essentials
- Automated sequences to speed up workflow
- Customisable Preset and stored positions

The MODULITH® SLX-T is a standard bearer in the history of modern lithotripters. With its highly efficient shock wave source, ease of use and millions of successfully treated patients it has set a new standard in urological stone therapy. The SLX-T has the following features:
- Patented cylinder source providing unsurpassed fragmentation efficiency with low side effects and focal depth of 165 mm
- In-line localization with various mobile C-arms
- Floating table feature allowing for quick localisation and focusing
- Wide moving range for multi purpose use
- Mobile, allowing lithotripter to be used by multiple physicians and hospitals
- Precision: Designed to revolve around a single focal point, precise alignment of the targeting system is easily achieved.
- Transportable: No need for a dedicated room, simply wheel the device into a closet or other storage when not in use.
- Flexibility: Patients are positioned supine for all treatments with the flexible over and under therapy head positioning.

The Delta II utilizes Dornier Electromagnetic Shock wave Emitter (EMSE) technology to deliver consistent, reliable energy. Imaging flexibility is obtained through X-ray or isocentric ultrasound. The Compact Delta II has the following features:
- Integrated lithotripter
- Fast, reliable set-up with the integrated shock source and C-arm
- Isocentric movements ensure precise targeting
- Unique, motorized therapy head allows both over and under-table treatments
- Transportable design
- Relax+ table ideal for ESWL and endourological procedures

The LithoGold is the latest generation electrohydraulic (spark-gap) lithotripter from TRT. The LithoGold is the first lithotripter that provides the optimum in shockwave dynamics with the largest focal zone (20 x 101 mm) and the deepest penetration depth (165 mm). The large focal zone surrounds and holds the kidney stone in place maximizing the hit ratio thus increasing fragmentation efficacy. The LithoGold has the following features:
- Large focal zone (20 by 101 mm) and kidney friendly peak energy (36.9 MPa or 369 bar)
- Lightweight, compact design ideal for any size operating room or mobile enviroment.
- Deep penetration depth (165 mm) reduces the incidence of treating patients in the prone position. Effective in very large patients.
- Improved stone fragmentation through “squeezing effect.”
- Reported re-treatment rates of less than 7%.
- Easy targeting with wide shockwave path.